Yes, time flies when you're having fun but surely not as quickly as this?
Staying with a host family has been such a great way to kick off the first week of our trip. It's given us much-needed time to get over the jet lag, recover from the excitement of the build up to departure, and structure the coming months in a safe, comfortable and homely environment.
The nature of the trip is such that we constantly have to be one step ahead of ourselves, arranging meeting times and Skype calls for the month ahead whilst working on our videos and meetings in the present. It's funny really because you'd have thought that with the 10 months of planning that preceded this trip, our to-do list wouldn't be quite as long as it still is. Or perhaps that's just naivety speaking. We are certainly learning! We know now that video editing takes a fair bit of time and that we need to soak up all nuggets of wisdom offered to us and not be restricted to our initial ideas of what our videos would contain. It's also becoming clear that being a website editor, blogger, videographer, video editor, project director, admin assistant, social media bud and backpacker all at the same time is quite the challenge!
We have already been so very blessed in just the first week of this project. Others have commented on the strength of our partnership, for which we are becoming increasingly grateful as the scale of the project unfolds. We have now sorted our itinerary for Panama thanks to a friend of a friend who put us in touch with somebody there (stay tuned to find out more!). We have seen a wee bit of what the Elmira countryside has to offer and we are now just about packed and ready to move onto our next location (where once again we are being hosted by a very kind lady called Angela).
For now we will wave goodbye to the University of Waterloo, the ladies at PolyGone, our wonderful host family, the board game-filled evenings and the copious amounts of cheese that have been sustaining us (Thank you, Thom). Kleinburg, we are coming for you! (And, Elmira, this may not be the last that you see of us...).